Smell of the journey!!


Smell of the Journey!!

Today, after a long time, I am going to put this feeling into words, it is not that it is a special story or an anecdote or an interesting event, it is just a story of those few hours in which one goes to their city yes, the city where one spent her childhood. It becomes more emotional when that one is a married women and even more touchy when it is by train. It takes you back to the days when you used to travel by train with your parents even grandparents in your childhood.

Nevertheless, Train is not just a public transport to me it’s a feeling that takes me back to my childhood. When I used to travel with six coach passenger train from my home to the places of my grandparents. We used to board the train from a very small station where one could always find a goods train of coal in those days. Smell of brown cardboard ticket along with faded impression of red and blue ink still reside in my mind. The only music that we used to listen was the sounds of bird roaming around the Peepal tree. Station master would ring the bell to alert all the travelers and people from here and there will come near to the track. Me with my mother carrying all the luggage on own used to board the train with ease and I hardly recall any incident where I could not manage to have a seat.

Though, scenario is quite changed these days those brown ticket has been replaced by the SMS on-phone, by replacing orange toffees, we now eat candy, cakes and chips. Struggle of chasing for a seat is gone as we generally keep our seats pre-booked though still, we find some impatient moron pushing each other as if they won’t get space to sit even in AC coaches. Now, there is no fear of disclosing where you are going, and to tell that you will get down only after two stations because no one cares about you anymore. As all carry their entertainment with them. 

Yes, just a few things that did not change were the unknown paths seen from the windows of the train, most of which are still unknown, even today the Tower of Dung cakes, which we also call Bitoda, will remind you of Indian architecture. Even today, you will see Lotus flowers blooming on the banks of the fields. And in the end, the fragrance of your never-forgotten city that will stay with you from the beginning to the end of your journey, whether it is the journey of train or life...


  1. This really took me back to that golden era of childhood we spent together..


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